Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Work it Out

Hump day. Work it Out Wednesday. Whatever we choose to call it, it is still Wednesday. The middle of the week. Not yet the weekend, but one step closer to it. To my running mates and I, it is yet another opportunity to go out and OWN the pavement. For me, it is another step closer to my goal!

New Route

Today I decided to switch up the route. My usual route had become a wee bit boring. Its effective, but when you run it over time your mind and body need to switch things up. Instead of heading south in my neighborhood I ran north. One of the major differences is the change of scenery. Its more of a mixture of homes and stores along this route. I ran past the local Walmart, a couple of gas stations, and plenty of fast food places that my inner fat kid would love to indulge (Steak n Shake, WhataBurger, Sonic, Mooyah, Wingstop, and more).

Once I passed the business district I entered more of the residential side of things. I passed several apartment complexes and a public golf course. Running past apartment complexes in the morning make me think, "You must be really nutty to be out here running, when you could be at home in bed." Chuckling I remind myself that "Yep I could be in bed and getting no where closer to my goal." Keep it moving I tell myself.

Progressing through a neighborhood on foot you begin to notice the subtle changes in the pavement. You know the ones that are barely noticeable in your car, but Oh So noticeable when you running up or down them. I came to the first pavement change (hill) and immediately I began to think of my form. Maintaining good form when running up a hill is beneficial. This meant for me to lean slightly forward, eyes up, and to use my arms to pull me through. An even bigger for me, don't forget to breathe. Of course I would not forget to breathe, but for me I have to focus more on my breathing when running hills (being an allergy/asthma sufferer doesn't help either).

After making it over the first hill I felt good. I took note of how my body felt my legs felt good. I felt stronger. I noticed I was able to increase my pace more. I did slightly as I made my way south back toward my apartment. This is where I ran out of sidewalk and had to dodge trees until the sidewalk began again. The extra steps in and out zapped my energy a bit. I was getting closer to home and I knew there was one more hill I would face. I sipped on my water and thought to myself "you got this! Almost home now!" On this one I struggled. I was tired my legs (calves, hams, and quads) were burning and saying "just walk will ya". Nope! I was not going to give up. This was not a hill that was going to beat me. I dug in and prayed for continued strength and endurance. Before you know it the hill was over and I was on top of it.

Almost near four miles now, I felt somewhat tired, but overall good. I pushed even more until I reached my four mile mark. When I heard the beep I stopped my watch and walked a bit. It was a great run. I pushed myself and was glad I did. As I walked I felt like I wanted to keep going, like I had more in the tank. Even the weather encouraged me to add some more. The nice, cool, crisp air was begging me to indulge. I started up again and I ran for an additional .30 more miles. Faster and stronger this time. I chose to stop due to my tendency to overdo it which could lead to injury. With my current recovery still underway I most certainly don't want to risk anymore setbacks.

In total, my run was 4.30 miles. May not be much more, but I felt like I emptied the tank after that additional run. Looking at my pace and time for the run I wanted to fist pump and yell at my achievement, but I did not want to scare the folks at the bus stop. My time was 52.01 for an average pace of 12:06 for a total of 4.30 miles.

Kpos: Good form during hill run.

CDS: I can only imagine by David Guetta ft. Chris Brown and Lil Wayne

Good run! I look forward to and can only imagine what's yet to come. Thanking God in advance for it!


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Shake it Out (Week 4)

No Use Crying over spilled Milk

Waking up this morning I realized that I needed to have a good run. The events from last night's football game left me wanting and hoping for a different outcome. I was hoping that the botched call did not happen and the Packers indeed won the game. 

Twas not the case when I turned on Sports Center. It was still the hot topic. Everyone was chiming in and trying to make sense of how the refs managed to bungle yet another play. I know this debate will rage on for a few more days, or until the next mistake occurs. Hopefully it will speed up negotiations between the Refs and the Comish. No doubt it will leave a terrible stain on the season, but believe me there is no use crying over spilled milk for me. 

After having my feel of Sports Center,  I righted myself and headed out the door. Running late, I knew I had to boogie to get to the trail if I wanted to start the run with my sole sistas. Since my runs are "unplugged" (without music), I cranked up the Ipod a jammed out along the way. The Roots, Florence + The Machine, David Guetta were all getting me stoked for my run. I hop out, spray myself down (nothing like the aromatic fragrant smell of OFF in the morning) against the killer mosquitoes, and walk to the trail. I made it just as the group was leaving. 


I began my run faster than I have in a long time. According to Atalantis (my Garmin) I completed my first mile with a 12:05 fast. Holy Canoli! I have not been there get the point. It has been a long time. It felt good and I liked it. 

As I continued the run I prayed to be able to continue feeling good and focused. My breathing was not giving me the blues. I was focusing on my breaths and keeping my mind clear with each stride. I took the scenic route from the trail and headed to run around the nearby duck pond. A few of my run sistas joined me along the way. I was glad I was able to carry on a conversation as we ran part of the way. Sad to say this, but sometimes I am focusing so hard on my breathing or trying to have a good run that I  barely talk. 

Making our way back I looked at Ata and was amazed at my pace, 12:13 at mile 3. Woo hooo! Lets see if I read that right. I tapped the bezel on Ata for the light to come on. Of course since there is still a user learning curve going on here, I accidentally switched to the virtual partner screen. Crap balls. I am like now how in the world do I get away from this screen without my messing anything up. Of course I know......just push buttons until it goes away. What can I say I am a "figure it out on your own kind of gal". Needless to say, I was able to get back to my training screen and saw that I completed my 5K for the day with a time of 38:05 (12:15 pace) Nice!!!

Shake It Out

In the end, it felt good to have a great run. I was focused and determined to shake off the anger bug. Did the anger help push me on my run? To some degree I think so. I do think the rest of my pushing came from my determination to have a good solid run. Lately, I have been centering my runs on my prayer time (ie: my daily chats with God). Being able to bridge my running with my prayer time has led to a deeper spiritual connection. Being filled with God's presence helps me to stay focused and to feel at peace. My mind is clearer and I am not in such a rush to complete the run. I plan on continuing this practice as marathon training continues. This journey is surely one that  requires the extra help.

As I press on I will turn up my song for the day and rock on!!!

KPositives: Steady and focused breaths helped with the increase in my pace. Deeper breaths were helpful when I developed a slight side stitch. 

CDS: Florence and The Machine: Shake it Out!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Rewind for Week 2

Weekly Recap-Marathon Training Week 2
This recap comes a wee bit late. Nonetheless, I feel it is an essential piece of the puzzle along my journey to my first marathon. 

No Run....Makes me go......nuts!

I was coming off a great running high from completing my first week of training. Things could go up from there, right?! As my luck would have it things did not go up, but they rather went downhill. 

My injury was continuing to bother me. It seemed like the pain was becoming more intense and I wanted relief as soon as possible. Foam rolling, stretching, ice, ibuprofen....what more could I do? A possible solution came after a conversation I had with a coworker. My coworker mentioned seeking treatment from a chiropractor. A few of my running friends mentioned they have utilized a chiropractor a time or two. At this point I wanted relief so I decided to check one out. My coworker provided me with the name and number for his chiropractor. Like most people I researched the doctor before I decided to schedule my appointment. Finding no shocking reviews, I was pleased with the types of therapy she provided and it didn't hurt that she was a runner too.

Is my spine supposed to move that way?

After missing three days of running I was becoming more restless and hoping my visit to the chiropractor would help provide relief and get me ready for my race that I was scheduled to run on Saturday. I did not want to drop out of the race since I paid for it, but I did not want to cause any more injury that could further derail my training. 

I met with the doctor the evening before my race. The office was pleasant and inviting. After being greeted by the staff I took a seat in the lobby and waited to see the doctor. In waiting I noticed the doctor had my all time favorite comic strip books on the coffee table, Calvin and Hobbes. I swear Bill Waterson was spot on with penning Calvin's brilliantly precocious mind.

I did not have to wait long to see the doctor. After she called me back we sat and chatted for my initial assessment. I was glad she did this, so many times I feel like previous healthcare providers don't listen. She the proceed with treatment which included an adjustment and commenced with my laying on the motorized massage table with ice packs. I was in some pain initially. It has been ages since I was last adjusted and I sure could tell. She wanted to see me back in a week and provided me with at home instructions for treatment. 

Running with Flowers

I woke up on race morning feeling much better. I had slight pain in my back, but none in my hip or neck. I knew my body would need time to get used to the adjustments. I was happy that it wasn't worse and I felt good enough to run my race that morning. 

After gathering my belongings I was ready to head out for my race. I signed up for the 10K because it fit perfectly into my training plan's week 2 long run. I was also looking forward to the race since it began near the Arboretum. The Arboretum has a really nice glass sculpture exhibit that I was looking forward to seeing. After the race we would have the opportunity to explore the grounds and enjoy in the post run festivities. 

Prior to the race, I warmed up with a light jog and stretching. I wanted to really make sure my body would be ready to run and not cause any injury. I began the race slow and cautious due to my tendency to get caught up in the race start frenzy. I completed my first mile in 12:33, which was faster than what I wanted to begin with. I felt good and my body was telling me I was fine. I kept going and completed my next mile 12:21. I felt great. As I headed close to mile three I caught up with a woman that I saw running in a previous race. She is an older woman, but she ran with such determination that I was motivated to keep up with her in both races. I spoke and we ended up run/walking and chatting for a mile and a half. She passed me during the brief hilly period of the race. Speaking of hills, I swear once again I was shown an area of improvement that I sorely need to work on. 

As the race progressed I pressed on, thankful that the weather was not to hot, but just right for our race. The sun came in and out that morning. Getting closer to the end I felt as if my legs were becoming tired and I started to feel my knee more than I wanted to. I decided to slow down and walk some along the way. At my slowest my pace reached 13:17. Coming up to the end I turned up the pace a bit and pulled out a strong finish. In the end, according to my lovely Atalantis (Garmin 410) I completed the race in 1:19:27.9. I can live with that. 

At the finish line I was greeted to cheers from my new race friends. Having people cheer you along the way feels great. It gave me that extra push I needed to ZOOM on into the finish. For that, I am thankful.

Post Race Food...massage....Chihuly

After the race I was more than ready to enjoy the post race festivities. (Food....Fun....Music....Fellowship). The weather was a bit chilly, but I did not care. The goodies were plentiful. Pizza from Pizza Hut, Cookies from Tiff's Treats, Popsicles, chocolate cake balls, breakfast burritos, pumpkin bread, and more. What is a girl to do with all that goodness around her?! Yep only one thing to do.....indulge. Indulge I did. I shall spare the boring details of what I had. No need to go on about the tantalizing scrumptious cookies I had or the old school freeze lemon lime freeze pop I had. Nah no need for that.

A new first for me after this race was I received my first post race sports massage. Now if you're like me I usually prefer to not go near anyone after a race. I'm like a sweaty swine after a race. If I can spare leaving my sweat all over the place I would, but with my recent injuries I figured what could hurt. I'm sure it was not the first time the the massage therapist has worked with a sweaty athlete. I told Chris, the massage therapist, the main injury I wanted to focus on and he went to work. He took my knee in his hands and began to administer some much needed therapy. Chris then decided to kick the party into high gear by working out the deeper kinks in my knee and IT band. Oh my.....this is what a sports massage felt like. Just as I decided that Chris and I were not going to be friends if he kept up his therapeutic shenanigans, the massage was over. It only 10 minutes, but to me it felt like an eternity. Moral of the story was yeppers....let's do that again.

It was great to explore the Chihuly exhibit afterward. In the day the sculptures were excellent to view. One of my favorite pieces was a the "Sun". The beautiful reds, oranges, are so bright and vibrant to see even in the day. I could only imagine what it looks like at night. It amazed me how an artist could work to create such a piece like this and the others in the exhibit. I did explore a few more pieces before I had to catch the shuttle back to my car.

In the end the race was a great one. Might have to a new yearly run for sure. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Injury what?!

Not a Happy Camper

Well well....seems like the nasty little runs spirits got me today. Ok maybe it was not the run spirits, but more of the combination of runner-not-taking-care of their body spirit.

Yes I will be the first to admit that at times I begin a run without a warmup or end a run without a cool down. I know....I know....spare me the "See I told you, you're going to injury yourself" side-eyes. Now it has caught up to me and here I sit, grumpy and upset that I was not able to run this morning.

After a great week and weekend I was pumped and primed to start Week 2 of marathon training. I admit I had been trying to ignore the nagging or "push through" recent pain prior to starting training. Now it is rearing its ugly head and I better listen this time.

Shoes can make or break ya!

As most runners can tell you, good Shoes Are Important. My running shoe journey began with a pair of Asics (which I love to this day). They were a neutral shoes, that I wore with custom orthotics from my doctor. We had many happy run days together, many firsts (ran my first 10K and half marathon in them). My Asics and I spent 3 solid years together (bought several pairs during that time). Seeing that I was overdue for new shoes I visited a local running shop in my area and had a gait analysis done, after all it had been a while since I had been fitted. The kind owner helped me look into purchasing a new pair of shoes. I felt like Cinderella trying on new shoes, eventually I would have my glass slipper. He eventually brought out a pair of Brooks (Adrenaline) for me to try. This came after he informed me that they did not have any Asics in my size. I tried them on and tested them out at the store. They felt really great in the store (like I was running with pillows on my feet) and seemed to provide me with the support that I needed. I was excited and ready to continue my run journey with these shoes. Well that's were the fluff and buttercups ends my friends. The switch was rough for me. I experienced shin pain and minor toe problems. I know what you're thinking, why did I not take them back. I figured we needed time to get used to one another. The more I ran in them things got somewhat better. I was able to complete several races with my Brooks. After time such is life and I was in the market again for a new pair of shoes.

Not being completely sold on my Brooks I decided to try one more type of shoe. Back to the drawing board with my and check. A new color wouldn't be bad either, seems like blue was the color of my past two pairs of shoes. I scoured the internet reading reviews on what would be my best choice. I eventually narrowed it down to three choices, Asics, Brooks, and Mizuno.  I was torn on which would be my best choice. I decided that since I would only live once I wanted to try something new. Little did I know, my new would be my nightmare. I settled on trying the Mizuno Wave Alchemy. They met my basic criteria, upgrade in color choice, appeared to provide the support I wanted, and they were somewhat comfortable. I purchased the shoes at the end of July. Since switching I have had the hardest time finding my happy/pain free run groove. My run mojo has gone kerplunk and it took my body with it.

Where Does It Hurt

Seeing that I am not blessed with the best biomechanics to deal with (foot problems, slight spinal curvature), my shoes play an integral role in  keeping my body healthy to run.

The pain began after training for my spring 2011 races I began to immediately wonder what had changed. I started thinking, What had I done or changed to cause pain in my lower extremities? Did I stretch enough, did I change my gait, these and other concerns began to run through my mind. After toughing things out for a bit I sought out my nearest sports injury clinic. After an assessment with a PT, I was told that I needed to work on strengthening my legs and make sure to S-T-R-E-T-C-H after my runs. The PT ever so kindly provided me with some exercises that I could do at home to help strengthen my legs, and informed me that I should follow up with a sports medicine physician if the pain persisted. Flabbergasted, I thought to myself, surely this PT had me mistaken for someone who did not run nor lift weights frequently. I knew what to do to run healthy and happy.  Needless to say I took her advice and followed it for a few weeks. I was feeling better and getting my mojo back.

Just as hubris has toppled many people, it sure smacked me in the face and called me Sally, when the pain returned after my discontinuation of my newfound routing. This time I followed up with a referral to a sports medicine physician because the pain had intensified. It was now running from my hip to my knee and took longer before it went away. After a few x-rays, and an evaluation, the physician told me that I had snapping hip syndrome and referred me back to the PT for further help me with my issue. This time I made sure my workouts incorporated more "stretching".

Lets flash forward to the present and all my recent problems. After experiencing a tumultuous relationship with my new shoes, my pain has now resurfaced and has sidelined my efforts to continue training. My pain continues in my hip, knee (knee swells daily), and now has radiated to my back and foot. It has been hard to sleep (changed my mattress from firm to semi firm as a result of my side sleeping) and I have taken NSAIDs for more than I care too. Even purchased compression calf sleeves to help (has provided some help). So, once again I am seeking out medical help for something that may have been preventable.

Be kind to your body for it will be kind to you

I can say that this experience has taught me once again a valuable lessons. 

Stop-If you feel a pain or any aggravation in your body, stop running. This will allow you time to identify what the pain or the cause of the pain is. If you are like me, a person who can't stop or won't want to stop moving, you can use this time to switch to a different activity. Possible one that will help you heal, refocus, and eventually get you back out to running again.  

Seek out help-Seek out sound medical advice. Go see your doctor, a physical therapist, or possibly a chiropractor to help if you need it. They can provide valuable treatment that can keep you running at your peak along the way. 

In the end I plan on persevering and continuing with my efforts to reach my goal. Just have to remember to be smarter about my efforts. 

Here are two quotes that I found fitting for the moment....

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” Helen Keller
“Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” C.S. Lewis

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Be Kind...Let's Rewind

Weekly Recap-Marathon Training Week 1

Wednesday-Ode to an Alarm 

Day two of running for my marathon training. It started off a little rocky for me due to a lack of restful sleep. I admit I am one who does not like to be disturbed during their sleep. If this happens insert a grumpy grizzly who will gnaw your face off for waking her. (I know that's not good, but point is do not wake me before I'm due to get up.) In the wee hours of the morning (2:45am to be exact...I know because I looked at my phone), someone's car alarm goes off. After what seemed like an eternity it goes off, and I go back to sleep. 3:45 am here we go this time I get up and go get my ear plugs. I put them in and I drift back into slumber land. This time to be awaken by my wretched alarm clock.....its 5am and time to get up. I kid you not it felt like I had rested my eyes for all of 5 minutes. 

I get up and began to get ready to head out the door. I meet one of my running sole sisters at 5:30am and we begin our run through the neighborhood. I enjoy street running. To me I learn my neighborhood better this way. The scenery is ever changing and due to the volume of traffic you have to be on your toes. What seems like subtle variations in the road in your car are now undulations that your body feels amplified as you run up and down the street. 

My training plan had me slated to run 3 miles that morning, but my friend who is training for a half was due to run 4 miles. I did not want to leave her alone on the streets that early in the morning. I decided to run with her and complete an additional mile. I extended our route to compensate for the additional mile. As we pressed along the way I reached 3 miles, but soon after I began to feel the added mile. By the time we were almost finished I did walk run the end. Felt bad for slowing her down, but I was glad to push until the end. Total mileage ended up coming out 4 miles for me (3 running + 1 walk/run). I did however take note of my shoes. I am not doing so well in my Mizunos. These shoes have been hard for me to break in. Somedays I have good runs and others I am in pain. I am debating on going back to my Brooks or Ascics. 

KPositive: Pushing through and not giving up is essential. 
CDS: Take you There by Pete Rock and CL Smooth

Thursday-To trot or not to trot!

Pardon this day's events. It is not for the weak stomach or is it?! Either way this run day (3rd day) got off to a "hmmmm do I want to go the trail of run the streets?!" kind of thoughts. I enjoy running on the trail, but I get bored and I like to change the scenery up a bit. I figured what the heck I could do a few looks on the trail and then head to the duck pond for a change of scenery while I am there. 

Marveling at my new plans, I got up, quickly dressed, and guzzled down a glass of orange juice before leaving. I get to the trail and begin what I felt was a good run. My breathing was spot on and my legs were feeling good. The humidity was up a bit, but I didn't mind as much. I took deeper breaths along the way and completed the first loop fairly quickly (12:45). I know I needed to slow down, but I felt like I was on a roll so why not keep it going. I slowed down to about (13:00) for the second loop and during this time I said yep its time to change the scenery, its off to the duck pond I went. Now I admit I am not that great at times with directions during the day (huge fan of the old atlas/paper maps, but thankful for GPS) so just think how great I must be in the dark and on foot. I leave the trail heading in what I thought was the right direction (inner voice told me that it was not the right direction, but this would not be valuable information until a few minutes later). I didn't remember winding down this street the last time I went, hmmm lets just keep running and see where it goes. 

After a few minutes I notice a rumble in my stomach. Uh oh......I keep running for surely it would go away. This time it was followed by an intense cramp, oh crap (no pun intended). I need to find a bathroom PDQ! I slow down and begin to walk, looking around thinking "Where in the world could I go to the bathroom without someone seeing me? Darn subdivision!" As I continue to walk I notice a street light I must have found the pond, yah! Nope, it was the parking lot lamp to the trail I was just on. I chuckle to myself...1 for getting lost and 2 for that little voice that told me that I was lost, but didn't know it was for good measure. Needless to say I was glad to see the parking lot because it is the parking lot for the recreation center that sits in front of the trail. I was super glad for the small blessing of being lost when I surely needed it. I will spare the rest of the GI details, but afterward I was able to resume my run, and this time I headed down the main road to get to the pond and I completed my run. Fastest run to date. 

KPos: Being lost wasn't so bad. 
CDS: Breakout by N.E.R.D.

Saturday-Colorfully Comfortable run

Running has become a bit of a way of life for me. Over the past year and some change I have come to embrace the running spirit that I enjoy. Race after race, training run after training run I have learned something about myself and have grown from it. So much so that I probably couldn't tell you the last Saturday where I was not running or at a race. This past Saturday was just the case, and the great part was that my training plan called for a 6 mile run. 

I began my day with an early run through my neighborhood. I had my new best friend with me (Atalanta) also known as my new Garmin Forerunner 410 (post coming soon about it). I originally had planned to run 2 miles and be done since I had my race later that day. The weather was so perfect that I wanted to keep running forever (breezy, cool, about 70s). I continued and completed until I finished a 5K (38:20). Had a slight scare on the end of my run. I was near home and just about finished with my run, and as I turned to head back up the street a man came out of nowhere briskly walking behind me. I quickly darted across the street and made a b-line very quickly home. I am not implying he wanted to harm me, but the lesson for me was to pay more attention and not be so engrossed in my run or wanting to eek out those last few miles that I do not see what's around me. Also do not leave the phone at home either. Never know when it may come in handy. 

Once inside I had a quick breakfast (dry cheerios and a banana) and got ready for my race. I was super excited to run my first color race. Color races (The Color Run or Color Me Rad) are races that include taking one clean runner and splashing them with bright colors along the way. In a way it made me think of Diwali and the wonderfully colorful celebration that occurs during that time. After seeing pictures of my fellow run sisters who ran color races I knew I wanted in. Plus the race was not going to be timed, which meant I could relax and turn off CompetitorK for the day. 
By the time I got to the race, it was buzzing like a bee hive with runners in their pristine white running gear. You could feel the energy and excitement in the air. I eagerly checked in and received my bib, 80s style  sunglasses with the colorful arms, and my race shirt. Alright then, I was locked, loaded, and ready to get colorful. My BGR peeps shared the same sentiments, hyped and ready to be colored. 

After chatting and standing around it was time to line up for our wave. Just as we were heading over, BAM.....we were ambushed by one of the run ladies in our group. She had a color bomb and was not afraid to use it. There was color flying all around....purple, blue......Sweet!! After our light color battle and photo session, it was time to start the race. I do not remember how far apart the color stations were but it sure was fun to be attacked with color along the way. As I was running I took note of the fun that people were having all the while getting in exercise. Some people even shared the fun with their families (small children were with their parents).  I ended up running/walking the race which was fine by me. I wanted to soak in the fun/color and memories along the way. After it was said/done and all my goodbyes were said, it was time for me to head home to eat, stretch, and clean myself up. 

On the ride home I thought to myself, I wish all my weeks of marathon training could end with good vibes and fun like this. 

KPos: Have FUN and Learn to be more aware!
CDS: The Fire by The Roots

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Just Breath Thickfreakness!

Wakey Wakey!!

*insert annoying alarm on cell phone*.....Crap is it 4:45am already!!! Yep it is.....get up....must get up.......

Wakey Wakey!

Five minutes later I arise. I'm not sure the extra time did anything, but mind is alert and ready to get out the door. Before I get ready to roll I run through my pre-run routine

1. Bathroom time: You know all those things that need to be done, but don't need an actual description.

2. Medication: Over the years my allergies and asthma and I are coming to an understanding. I take them they take care of me. Nose candy and a hit of the lovely (inhaler) and I'm good to go.

3. Fuel: I have often toyed with and still am figuring out what fuels me best before a run. So far 1 glass of OJ and 1/2 Graham cracker do the trick. Yes I know as a Dietitian I should probably think of other things, but heck what works for some may not work for all.

All right I am batting 1000 now. Almost out the door. Last thing I do is gear check.

4: Gear check: Frozen water bottle, iPod, headphones, water bottle, and gear bag (wallet, towel, etc).

Sweet!!! Lacing up and almost out the door when BAM I remember where I am and must do my choke a horse-but save my life spray me down against......dun dun dun.......West Nile Virus!!!! Surely to induce another hit of the Lovely.

The Run

I get to the trail....and I'm amped up!!! Oh yeah time to run! Today's run is a 3 miler. Surely I got this. Piece o cake! Let me grab my iPod and get out there. Here is where the fun begins. I go to select my play list and nothing happens. I charged it didn't I.....yes. It comes on now and now it won't play, the lights are on screen shows it's playing, but no sound. Ok let's try one more time....hold the power button for a bit and whisper a secret Apple iPod prayer.......drumroll.......and yet nothing.

HOW Awesome!!! Well I won't let this minor setback keep me down. Who needs music anyway. Running unplugged has helped me to refocus anyway. Grabbed the phone and turned on my tracker and hit the trail.

Oooh mile one down.....I'm cooking with crisco.   Mile 2 down......suki suki nah!!! Feeling good......Feeling Great!!!! Here comes the home stretch.......Bam! Breathing getting a we bit difficult. I shake my fist at the humidity outside. I take a few deep breaths and keep going. Legs, shins, and feet are staying strong. After my weekend race I am glad they are  holding up well and not cramping. (Note to self: spend more time with the foam roller). Almost done.

2.5 miles and reaching the home legs have thankfully gotten over their "Is it time for Marathon Training Already." feel. Ahhhhh.....made it mile 3 and some change. Its over. Done it without stopping.

Stoked and pumped. Made it through day one of marathon training.

The "COOL" Down

Time to cool down, stretch and relax. Day one is done, my mind is ripe and ready to begin the journey that is Marathon training.

Cue the cool down theme for the day: ThickFreakness by The Black Keys

Thanks to Pandora this was the first song that came on by a pretty groovy band, The Black Keys
The guitar rifts made me feel like a bad rocker chic who rocked her 1st day of training.

K's Kudos for the day 

(Positive Takeaways for the Day)

1. Good job on the breathing. Inserted deep breaths helped to keep me going for the day.

Cheers mates.....

Monday, September 3, 2012

Change is Good!

Wow! Is it already September?! Sorting through my race bibs, empty running shoe boxes, and realize time has flown by for sure. A lot has changed since I decided to revisit this blog.

A few life changes have occurred since my last post. One of the biggest came when I decided to take a step out on faith and embark on a new opportunity that was presented to me. This opportunity had me pack my belongings and depart from the Windy City to travel to the Lone S.T.A.R. state. If you would have asked me if I saw this coming I would have looked at you like you were speaking jibberish. Don't get me wrong I think my season was coming to branch out, but the quickness in which it came was one that was even surprised me.

As I made preparations to move I began to think of all that I would be leaving. My family, friends, my midwestern on again off again love affair with winter, my running group, my church home, and other things (summer time CHI (think festivals, free concerts, White Sox, the Swap O'Rama, etc...), deep dish pizza, ma/pa pizza joints, Portillos, horseshoe sandwiches, (good food=good memories). I knew leaving those comforts would not be easy so I tried my best to stay busy to enjoy each moment before I saddled up and rode out of town. I did this by setting some lofty running goals for 2012. My 2012 running aspirations were simple:

Successfully complete 12 races!          

4 Half Marathons 

4 (5Ks  and 10Ks)

4 (Misc Distances: 2,5,7,9, etc miles)    

Prior to my leaving Chicago I was working on this healthy to do list.  At the end of 2011 I had connected with a wonderful run group of woman, BGR. Through my joining I tapped into a network of like minded women who enjoyed running as much as I did. I met so many new sole sistas, stepped up my run game (trained harder, improved my running efficiency), and began to travel for new race destinations. I was addicted and proud of it. So much so that I even tossed around the notion of signing up for a marathon. The end of 2011 and 2012 so far have been transformative for my running psyche!

No time like the present

Now looking at the present I marvel at where I've come from and where I plan to go. I've moved to a new local, started a new job, met new people, and had some fun adventures so far. I shall save my stories on the transition to the Lone S.T.A.R. state for another post. For now I sitting back enjoying it and rolling with the flow.  

As for the running I'm keeping at it despite my few set backs. Transitioning to a new climate, new area (pavement, trails) can be a bit of a bugger. With time these are getting better for me. Learning to also focus on listening to my body as it adapts and overcomes the changes (stretching and foam rolling are now routine). Most importantly I've tapped into yet another great network of runners and people who are supportive and just as enthusiastic about their health and fitness pursuits. It has truly helped to keep me motivated to continue to work on my aspirations. As of now my list is almost complete: I have two more Half Marathons to complete and I will have smashed my 2012 Run Goal List. 

Icing on the Cake

The final icing on my 2012 run cake was my signing up to complete my 1st marathon. I toyed around with running a full marathon, but never thought it was in the cards for me. I always said to myself why on earth would someone continue to run 13.1 more miles after they completed a half. I knew I was dog tired after so it was hard for me to wrap my mind around it. I began to talk with my friends who ran a full. I wondered what made them do it....what was their mojo to want to complete training. Most said it was a challenge they wanted to complete....a new obstacle to overcome.....a bucket list item. They said it would be hard, there will be times when you want to quit, but most importantly dig deep, find what drives you and hold on for a great journey. So after reading articles, blog posts, watching the completion of popular races (Boston, Chicago marathons) on tv, I knew a decision was underway for me. I then began to look for a race that I wanted to enjoy if I were to do it. Then BOOM! I found one that I was told was a fun first timer race......and guess what I threw all caution to the wind and signed up. I will proudly be running the 2013 Walt Disney World Marathon. I figured this should be an awesome experience, 20th anniversary year too!! 

As I prepare for this race I continue to look forward to great times and great adventures ahead. 
