Monday, September 3, 2012

Change is Good!

Wow! Is it already September?! Sorting through my race bibs, empty running shoe boxes, and realize time has flown by for sure. A lot has changed since I decided to revisit this blog.

A few life changes have occurred since my last post. One of the biggest came when I decided to take a step out on faith and embark on a new opportunity that was presented to me. This opportunity had me pack my belongings and depart from the Windy City to travel to the Lone S.T.A.R. state. If you would have asked me if I saw this coming I would have looked at you like you were speaking jibberish. Don't get me wrong I think my season was coming to branch out, but the quickness in which it came was one that was even surprised me.

As I made preparations to move I began to think of all that I would be leaving. My family, friends, my midwestern on again off again love affair with winter, my running group, my church home, and other things (summer time CHI (think festivals, free concerts, White Sox, the Swap O'Rama, etc...), deep dish pizza, ma/pa pizza joints, Portillos, horseshoe sandwiches, (good food=good memories). I knew leaving those comforts would not be easy so I tried my best to stay busy to enjoy each moment before I saddled up and rode out of town. I did this by setting some lofty running goals for 2012. My 2012 running aspirations were simple:

Successfully complete 12 races!          

4 Half Marathons 

4 (5Ks  and 10Ks)

4 (Misc Distances: 2,5,7,9, etc miles)    

Prior to my leaving Chicago I was working on this healthy to do list.  At the end of 2011 I had connected with a wonderful run group of woman, BGR. Through my joining I tapped into a network of like minded women who enjoyed running as much as I did. I met so many new sole sistas, stepped up my run game (trained harder, improved my running efficiency), and began to travel for new race destinations. I was addicted and proud of it. So much so that I even tossed around the notion of signing up for a marathon. The end of 2011 and 2012 so far have been transformative for my running psyche!

No time like the present

Now looking at the present I marvel at where I've come from and where I plan to go. I've moved to a new local, started a new job, met new people, and had some fun adventures so far. I shall save my stories on the transition to the Lone S.T.A.R. state for another post. For now I sitting back enjoying it and rolling with the flow.  

As for the running I'm keeping at it despite my few set backs. Transitioning to a new climate, new area (pavement, trails) can be a bit of a bugger. With time these are getting better for me. Learning to also focus on listening to my body as it adapts and overcomes the changes (stretching and foam rolling are now routine). Most importantly I've tapped into yet another great network of runners and people who are supportive and just as enthusiastic about their health and fitness pursuits. It has truly helped to keep me motivated to continue to work on my aspirations. As of now my list is almost complete: I have two more Half Marathons to complete and I will have smashed my 2012 Run Goal List. 

Icing on the Cake

The final icing on my 2012 run cake was my signing up to complete my 1st marathon. I toyed around with running a full marathon, but never thought it was in the cards for me. I always said to myself why on earth would someone continue to run 13.1 more miles after they completed a half. I knew I was dog tired after so it was hard for me to wrap my mind around it. I began to talk with my friends who ran a full. I wondered what made them do it....what was their mojo to want to complete training. Most said it was a challenge they wanted to complete....a new obstacle to overcome.....a bucket list item. They said it would be hard, there will be times when you want to quit, but most importantly dig deep, find what drives you and hold on for a great journey. So after reading articles, blog posts, watching the completion of popular races (Boston, Chicago marathons) on tv, I knew a decision was underway for me. I then began to look for a race that I wanted to enjoy if I were to do it. Then BOOM! I found one that I was told was a fun first timer race......and guess what I threw all caution to the wind and signed up. I will proudly be running the 2013 Walt Disney World Marathon. I figured this should be an awesome experience, 20th anniversary year too!! 

As I prepare for this race I continue to look forward to great times and great adventures ahead. 



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