Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Injury what?!

Not a Happy Camper

Well well....seems like the nasty little runs spirits got me today. Ok maybe it was not the run spirits, but more of the combination of runner-not-taking-care of their body spirit.

Yes I will be the first to admit that at times I begin a run without a warmup or end a run without a cool down. I know....I know....spare me the "See I told you, you're going to injury yourself" side-eyes. Now it has caught up to me and here I sit, grumpy and upset that I was not able to run this morning.

After a great week and weekend I was pumped and primed to start Week 2 of marathon training. I admit I had been trying to ignore the nagging or "push through" recent pain prior to starting training. Now it is rearing its ugly head and I better listen this time.

Shoes can make or break ya!

As most runners can tell you, good Shoes Are Important. My running shoe journey began with a pair of Asics (which I love to this day). They were a neutral shoes, that I wore with custom orthotics from my doctor. We had many happy run days together, many firsts (ran my first 10K and half marathon in them). My Asics and I spent 3 solid years together (bought several pairs during that time). Seeing that I was overdue for new shoes I visited a local running shop in my area and had a gait analysis done, after all it had been a while since I had been fitted. The kind owner helped me look into purchasing a new pair of shoes. I felt like Cinderella trying on new shoes, eventually I would have my glass slipper. He eventually brought out a pair of Brooks (Adrenaline) for me to try. This came after he informed me that they did not have any Asics in my size. I tried them on and tested them out at the store. They felt really great in the store (like I was running with pillows on my feet) and seemed to provide me with the support that I needed. I was excited and ready to continue my run journey with these shoes. Well that's were the fluff and buttercups ends my friends. The switch was rough for me. I experienced shin pain and minor toe problems. I know what you're thinking, why did I not take them back. I figured we needed time to get used to one another. The more I ran in them things got somewhat better. I was able to complete several races with my Brooks. After time such is life and I was in the market again for a new pair of shoes.

Not being completely sold on my Brooks I decided to try one more type of shoe. Back to the drawing board with my checklist.......Comfortable....support.....check and check. A new color wouldn't be bad either, seems like blue was the color of my past two pairs of shoes. I scoured the internet reading reviews on what would be my best choice. I eventually narrowed it down to three choices, Asics, Brooks, and Mizuno.  I was torn on which would be my best choice. I decided that since I would only live once I wanted to try something new. Little did I know, my new would be my nightmare. I settled on trying the Mizuno Wave Alchemy. They met my basic criteria, upgrade in color choice, appeared to provide the support I wanted, and they were somewhat comfortable. I purchased the shoes at the end of July. Since switching I have had the hardest time finding my happy/pain free run groove. My run mojo has gone kerplunk and it took my body with it.

Where Does It Hurt

Seeing that I am not blessed with the best biomechanics to deal with (foot problems, slight spinal curvature), my shoes play an integral role in  keeping my body healthy to run.

The pain began after training for my spring 2011 races I began to immediately wonder what had changed. I started thinking, What had I done or changed to cause pain in my lower extremities? Did I stretch enough, did I change my gait, these and other concerns began to run through my mind. After toughing things out for a bit I sought out my nearest sports injury clinic. After an assessment with a PT, I was told that I needed to work on strengthening my legs and make sure to S-T-R-E-T-C-H after my runs. The PT ever so kindly provided me with some exercises that I could do at home to help strengthen my legs, and informed me that I should follow up with a sports medicine physician if the pain persisted. Flabbergasted, I thought to myself, surely this PT had me mistaken for someone who did not run nor lift weights frequently. I knew what to do to run healthy and happy.  Needless to say I took her advice and followed it for a few weeks. I was feeling better and getting my mojo back.

Just as hubris has toppled many people, it sure smacked me in the face and called me Sally, when the pain returned after my discontinuation of my newfound routing. This time I followed up with a referral to a sports medicine physician because the pain had intensified. It was now running from my hip to my knee and took longer before it went away. After a few x-rays, and an evaluation, the physician told me that I had snapping hip syndrome and referred me back to the PT for further help me with my issue. This time I made sure my workouts incorporated more "stretching".

Lets flash forward to the present and all my recent problems. After experiencing a tumultuous relationship with my new shoes, my pain has now resurfaced and has sidelined my efforts to continue training. My pain continues in my hip, knee (knee swells daily), and now has radiated to my back and foot. It has been hard to sleep (changed my mattress from firm to semi firm as a result of my side sleeping) and I have taken NSAIDs for more than I care too. Even purchased compression calf sleeves to help (has provided some help). So, once again I am seeking out medical help for something that may have been preventable.

Be kind to your body for it will be kind to you

I can say that this experience has taught me once again a valuable lessons. 

Stop-If you feel a pain or any aggravation in your body, stop running. This will allow you time to identify what the pain or the cause of the pain is. If you are like me, a person who can't stop or won't want to stop moving, you can use this time to switch to a different activity. Possible one that will help you heal, refocus, and eventually get you back out to running again.  

Seek out help-Seek out sound medical advice. Go see your doctor, a physical therapist, or possibly a chiropractor to help if you need it. They can provide valuable treatment that can keep you running at your peak along the way. 

In the end I plan on persevering and continuing with my efforts to reach my goal. Just have to remember to be smarter about my efforts. 

Here are two quotes that I found fitting for the moment....

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” Helen Keller
“Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” C.S. Lewis

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