Sunday, September 9, 2012

Be Kind...Let's Rewind

Weekly Recap-Marathon Training Week 1

Wednesday-Ode to an Alarm 

Day two of running for my marathon training. It started off a little rocky for me due to a lack of restful sleep. I admit I am one who does not like to be disturbed during their sleep. If this happens insert a grumpy grizzly who will gnaw your face off for waking her. (I know that's not good, but point is do not wake me before I'm due to get up.) In the wee hours of the morning (2:45am to be exact...I know because I looked at my phone), someone's car alarm goes off. After what seemed like an eternity it goes off, and I go back to sleep. 3:45 am here we go this time I get up and go get my ear plugs. I put them in and I drift back into slumber land. This time to be awaken by my wretched alarm clock.....its 5am and time to get up. I kid you not it felt like I had rested my eyes for all of 5 minutes. 

I get up and began to get ready to head out the door. I meet one of my running sole sisters at 5:30am and we begin our run through the neighborhood. I enjoy street running. To me I learn my neighborhood better this way. The scenery is ever changing and due to the volume of traffic you have to be on your toes. What seems like subtle variations in the road in your car are now undulations that your body feels amplified as you run up and down the street. 

My training plan had me slated to run 3 miles that morning, but my friend who is training for a half was due to run 4 miles. I did not want to leave her alone on the streets that early in the morning. I decided to run with her and complete an additional mile. I extended our route to compensate for the additional mile. As we pressed along the way I reached 3 miles, but soon after I began to feel the added mile. By the time we were almost finished I did walk run the end. Felt bad for slowing her down, but I was glad to push until the end. Total mileage ended up coming out 4 miles for me (3 running + 1 walk/run). I did however take note of my shoes. I am not doing so well in my Mizunos. These shoes have been hard for me to break in. Somedays I have good runs and others I am in pain. I am debating on going back to my Brooks or Ascics. 

KPositive: Pushing through and not giving up is essential. 
CDS: Take you There by Pete Rock and CL Smooth

Thursday-To trot or not to trot!

Pardon this day's events. It is not for the weak stomach or is it?! Either way this run day (3rd day) got off to a "hmmmm do I want to go the trail of run the streets?!" kind of thoughts. I enjoy running on the trail, but I get bored and I like to change the scenery up a bit. I figured what the heck I could do a few looks on the trail and then head to the duck pond for a change of scenery while I am there. 

Marveling at my new plans, I got up, quickly dressed, and guzzled down a glass of orange juice before leaving. I get to the trail and begin what I felt was a good run. My breathing was spot on and my legs were feeling good. The humidity was up a bit, but I didn't mind as much. I took deeper breaths along the way and completed the first loop fairly quickly (12:45). I know I needed to slow down, but I felt like I was on a roll so why not keep it going. I slowed down to about (13:00) for the second loop and during this time I said yep its time to change the scenery, its off to the duck pond I went. Now I admit I am not that great at times with directions during the day (huge fan of the old atlas/paper maps, but thankful for GPS) so just think how great I must be in the dark and on foot. I leave the trail heading in what I thought was the right direction (inner voice told me that it was not the right direction, but this would not be valuable information until a few minutes later). I didn't remember winding down this street the last time I went, hmmm lets just keep running and see where it goes. 

After a few minutes I notice a rumble in my stomach. Uh oh......I keep running for surely it would go away. This time it was followed by an intense cramp, oh crap (no pun intended). I need to find a bathroom PDQ! I slow down and begin to walk, looking around thinking "Where in the world could I go to the bathroom without someone seeing me? Darn subdivision!" As I continue to walk I notice a street light I must have found the pond, yah! Nope, it was the parking lot lamp to the trail I was just on. I chuckle to myself...1 for getting lost and 2 for that little voice that told me that I was lost, but didn't know it was for good measure. Needless to say I was glad to see the parking lot because it is the parking lot for the recreation center that sits in front of the trail. I was super glad for the small blessing of being lost when I surely needed it. I will spare the rest of the GI details, but afterward I was able to resume my run, and this time I headed down the main road to get to the pond and I completed my run. Fastest run to date. 

KPos: Being lost wasn't so bad. 
CDS: Breakout by N.E.R.D.

Saturday-Colorfully Comfortable run

Running has become a bit of a way of life for me. Over the past year and some change I have come to embrace the running spirit that I enjoy. Race after race, training run after training run I have learned something about myself and have grown from it. So much so that I probably couldn't tell you the last Saturday where I was not running or at a race. This past Saturday was just the case, and the great part was that my training plan called for a 6 mile run. 

I began my day with an early run through my neighborhood. I had my new best friend with me (Atalanta) also known as my new Garmin Forerunner 410 (post coming soon about it). I originally had planned to run 2 miles and be done since I had my race later that day. The weather was so perfect that I wanted to keep running forever (breezy, cool, about 70s). I continued and completed until I finished a 5K (38:20). Had a slight scare on the end of my run. I was near home and just about finished with my run, and as I turned to head back up the street a man came out of nowhere briskly walking behind me. I quickly darted across the street and made a b-line very quickly home. I am not implying he wanted to harm me, but the lesson for me was to pay more attention and not be so engrossed in my run or wanting to eek out those last few miles that I do not see what's around me. Also do not leave the phone at home either. Never know when it may come in handy. 

Once inside I had a quick breakfast (dry cheerios and a banana) and got ready for my race. I was super excited to run my first color race. Color races (The Color Run or Color Me Rad) are races that include taking one clean runner and splashing them with bright colors along the way. In a way it made me think of Diwali and the wonderfully colorful celebration that occurs during that time. After seeing pictures of my fellow run sisters who ran color races I knew I wanted in. Plus the race was not going to be timed, which meant I could relax and turn off CompetitorK for the day. 
By the time I got to the race, it was buzzing like a bee hive with runners in their pristine white running gear. You could feel the energy and excitement in the air. I eagerly checked in and received my bib, 80s style  sunglasses with the colorful arms, and my race shirt. Alright then, I was locked, loaded, and ready to get colorful. My BGR peeps shared the same sentiments, hyped and ready to be colored. 

After chatting and standing around it was time to line up for our wave. Just as we were heading over, BAM.....we were ambushed by one of the run ladies in our group. She had a color bomb and was not afraid to use it. There was color flying all around....purple, blue......Sweet!! After our light color battle and photo session, it was time to start the race. I do not remember how far apart the color stations were but it sure was fun to be attacked with color along the way. As I was running I took note of the fun that people were having all the while getting in exercise. Some people even shared the fun with their families (small children were with their parents).  I ended up running/walking the race which was fine by me. I wanted to soak in the fun/color and memories along the way. After it was said/done and all my goodbyes were said, it was time for me to head home to eat, stretch, and clean myself up. 

On the ride home I thought to myself, I wish all my weeks of marathon training could end with good vibes and fun like this. 

KPos: Have FUN and Learn to be more aware!
CDS: The Fire by The Roots

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