Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Work it Out

Hump day. Work it Out Wednesday. Whatever we choose to call it, it is still Wednesday. The middle of the week. Not yet the weekend, but one step closer to it. To my running mates and I, it is yet another opportunity to go out and OWN the pavement. For me, it is another step closer to my goal!

New Route

Today I decided to switch up the route. My usual route had become a wee bit boring. Its effective, but when you run it over time your mind and body need to switch things up. Instead of heading south in my neighborhood I ran north. One of the major differences is the change of scenery. Its more of a mixture of homes and stores along this route. I ran past the local Walmart, a couple of gas stations, and plenty of fast food places that my inner fat kid would love to indulge (Steak n Shake, WhataBurger, Sonic, Mooyah, Wingstop, and more).

Once I passed the business district I entered more of the residential side of things. I passed several apartment complexes and a public golf course. Running past apartment complexes in the morning make me think, "You must be really nutty to be out here running, when you could be at home in bed." Chuckling I remind myself that "Yep I could be in bed and getting no where closer to my goal." Keep it moving I tell myself.

Progressing through a neighborhood on foot you begin to notice the subtle changes in the pavement. You know the ones that are barely noticeable in your car, but Oh So noticeable when you running up or down them. I came to the first pavement change (hill) and immediately I began to think of my form. Maintaining good form when running up a hill is beneficial. This meant for me to lean slightly forward, eyes up, and to use my arms to pull me through. An even bigger for me, don't forget to breathe. Of course I would not forget to breathe, but for me I have to focus more on my breathing when running hills (being an allergy/asthma sufferer doesn't help either).

After making it over the first hill I felt good. I took note of how my body felt my legs felt good. I felt stronger. I noticed I was able to increase my pace more. I did slightly as I made my way south back toward my apartment. This is where I ran out of sidewalk and had to dodge trees until the sidewalk began again. The extra steps in and out zapped my energy a bit. I was getting closer to home and I knew there was one more hill I would face. I sipped on my water and thought to myself "you got this! Almost home now!" On this one I struggled. I was tired my legs (calves, hams, and quads) were burning and saying "just walk will ya". Nope! I was not going to give up. This was not a hill that was going to beat me. I dug in and prayed for continued strength and endurance. Before you know it the hill was over and I was on top of it.

Almost near four miles now, I felt somewhat tired, but overall good. I pushed even more until I reached my four mile mark. When I heard the beep I stopped my watch and walked a bit. It was a great run. I pushed myself and was glad I did. As I walked I felt like I wanted to keep going, like I had more in the tank. Even the weather encouraged me to add some more. The nice, cool, crisp air was begging me to indulge. I started up again and I ran for an additional .30 more miles. Faster and stronger this time. I chose to stop due to my tendency to overdo it which could lead to injury. With my current recovery still underway I most certainly don't want to risk anymore setbacks.

In total, my run was 4.30 miles. May not be much more, but I felt like I emptied the tank after that additional run. Looking at my pace and time for the run I wanted to fist pump and yell at my achievement, but I did not want to scare the folks at the bus stop. My time was 52.01 for an average pace of 12:06 for a total of 4.30 miles.

Kpos: Good form during hill run.

CDS: I can only imagine by David Guetta ft. Chris Brown and Lil Wayne

Good run! I look forward to and can only imagine what's yet to come. Thanking God in advance for it!


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